07.27.2006 Nippy Watch
My apologies for the Nippy updates being few and far in between. From what you guys have been telling me in your emails, she is out in California with CeCe Winans. I don't know how true that is but I just hope she is doing well.
Tina Brown is making her media rounds again. Here is an excerpt from her interview with Jamie Foster Brown in the August 2006 issue of Sister 2 Sister. I will scan the entire article later. My computer is on that kryptonite right now.
Sister 2 Sister: The tabloids are saying that Whitney is broke.
Tina Brown: But guess what? She has like 40 people on her payroll. They all have chauffeurs and buying brand new cars and all this, but she's broke? Come on! She did Europe and she got $750,000 a night and when she got back I said, "Nip..." I always try to encourage her to handle her own bills. And come to find out, I said, "Where's all your money, Nip?" She said, "They say I owe people." I said, "You don't owe people . . . " Come on! And all that money does not go to drugs. They spend a lot of money on drugs, yah. But it's not $750,000 worth.
S2S: Do you know if Whitney has a brain tumor or not?
TB: I don't know. But the talk in my family is that she does! On the outside world, no! But in my family, yes! And (a family member) said the other day, "It's getting worse. Let's take her to the hospital." And (another family member) said no because of the media. "We don't want them to know." So they got her on a phone and took her to--she's going into her childlike states and everything. All the symptoms are there.
S2S: Does Bobby know about any of this?
TB: Bobby got a phone call in front of my sister. He dropped the phone and started screaming and crying. Come to find out, that's what was said.
S2S: What was said?
TB: They called from California stating that she had a tumor. Why are they keeping this a secret, I don't know. But it's so much. It's so much!
Yeah it is so much, damn.
Ashanti & Nelly At The Premiere of "John Tucker Must Die"
If I was about 10 years younger I would probably give a damn about "John Tucker Must Die." But since I'm not you already know. Any movie advertised as "this year's 'Mean Girls' " is not my cup of tea.
I must be getting soft because all of these celebrity couples are becoming cute to me (Janet and Tattoo included). Here are a few pictures of Ashanti and Nelly at the movie premiere Tuesday. Ashanti's family also came out to show their support. Her dad's hair is awesome.

Key Kids, Are You A Side Line Ho?
If your man doesn't take you to church and leaves you alone on the holidays, you're a sideline ho. Hey, those are Monica's words, not ours.
The R&B diva's next release, 'The Makings of Me,' is due in September. The song 'Sideline Ho' was actually inspired by an ex who cheated on her with (gasp!) a video model. Co-produced by Tank, the mid-tempo track finds the new mom exposing the havoc wrought by that chick on the side.
Despite the obvious fightin' words of 'Sideline Ho,' Monica tells AOL Music she was "much nicer" on wax than in real life. "I felt a little sad when I walked away from the situation, even for her, because he had no desire to be with her," she says. "Looking back now, I kinda get it. I believe in love strongly and expect a lot out of relationships, so I think I was just too much for him altogether."
Before the whispering starts about said cheater's identity, let's clear one thing up. "[He is] absolutely not my son's father," says Monica. "Hell no!" (AOL Music)
I have nothing to say about this one. Click here to listen.
Your Two Cents Required : Janet's New Video
Tonight I not only watched the world premiere (pre-miere, puh-puh-premiere) for the video "Call On Me", but it was the first time I heard the song period. I actually did this on purpose because I wanted to get the full "experience." I sort of wished I would've done the same with "Deja Vu" but I couldn't seem to shake the song. Damn you Mathew!
Anyway, you know the drill. Questions, comments, or concerns?
Candids of Will Smith In NYC
I'm so happy to see Will out and about. Whoo, he isn't on Suri Cruise watch any more. I was starting to think he joined a cult after listening to a promotional copy of Wicked Wisdom's cd. But I will put away my Kerney Thomas prayer hankie since all is well. Seriously, my umi was worried for a minute.

But peep the guy on the side in the first photo. Look closely now. Can you spot a dirt angel? I smell manna from heaven.