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- Holy shit Batman, Timbaland lost a lot of weight!
- Bobby Brown is not high for once . . .
- Whitney feeling good . . .
- Bobbi Christina looking, well, interesting . . .
- Janet and Bubbles, opps, I meant Jermaine . . .
- Ciara and Bow Wow getting their puppy lust love on . . .
- Ciara looks like she's posing for her web cam for her Black Planet page . . .
- Somebody's trying to get their hood pass back . . .
- Eveyone's favortie drunk cousins from Georgia the YoungBloodz . . .
- And you of all people had the nerve to call that white woman an has been . . .
"As the event patrons enjoyed the show, the performers were having an equally good time backstage, fellowshipping via handshakes, smiles and blackberrys," explained SOHH.com's VIP source. "That is... until Ms. Hill made her unfashionable entrance into the Georgia Dome with her entourague, demanding the entire backstage area be cleared and that everyone drop what they were doing and scurry into the nearest nook or cranny. On top of that, if you were one of the unlucky people who did not manage to find a corner to huddle into, you were told you could not look at the Queen of England, er, New Jersey. You had to turn your nose to the wall third grade time-out style."
Once considered one of the game's top live performers, Hill appeared lost while performing on the main stage moments later. The artist formerly known as L. Boogie clumsily ran through selections from her classic 1998 LP, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, leaving attendees dumbfounded. Apparently, Hill's set lacked fluidity and songs were often followed by awkward silence. While Hill's voice was still top notch, her singing was unusually off beat and the former Fugee didn't seem to recall her own material. Troubled by the subpar performance, heads began leaving the venue midway through her set. After approximately 4 to 5 songs, Hill exited the stage by simply offering, "Okay, I'm out." According to SOHH.com's anonymous eyewitness, as people left the concert some were heard whispering, "This is the second time I've paid to see her and she pulled that sh!t." (source)
Go on with ya big ass! Big girl need pageant love too.
Contestant No. 3, Kelly from Yonkers, was wearing white pants and belly-baring white top under a white jean jacket. "One question for you," said Mo'Nique. "Are you comfortable wearing your stomach out?" "I am sooo comfortable," said Kelly, as she opened her jacket and did a turn with a hip swivel. Verdi asked contestant No. 6 what she saw when she looked in the mirror. "I see sexy, honey. I see me, a beautiful black woman full of curves."
Okay, um, well, you know your girl Fresh if all for the plus size sistas out there but um, I don't know about mid-drift tops. Do you . . .
Who wants to be a Lee-Simmons? Kimora Lee Simmons is currently in the process of publishing a lifestyle guide.
Kimora Lee Simmons is a stunningly beautiful woman with two stunningly beautiful children and an amazing husband. However, if you think she got there just by being beautiful and marrying well, wait till you read the real story behind this remarkable woman. This book reveals how she did it and how you can too, no matter what your circumstances are today. Creating opportunities is what her life is all about.
Yeah, right. I love KLS like the next Baby Phat lover but I do believe that she did marry pretty damn well. You think if Russell was a broke negro she would've given him the time of day? The nigga looks like Porky Pig with a lisp to match, let's be real about the situation. I could learn to love Russell too, shit. The marriage ultimately gave her the chance to create a sucessful fashion line and also go on to do other things. I'm not going to talk too much shit though because if the book comes equipped with a Baby Phat bookmark I would probably buy it for that reason alone.
Random Thoughts
- K Swiss commericals = teh ghey.
- Who isn't nominated for a BET award this year?
- And what the fuck is a Fatty Koo exactly?
- Kevin Federline reminds me of Vanilla Ice.
- The little white girl from Man On Fire aka Dakota Fanning has a FUCKED UP grill. Who caught them shits at the MTV Movie Awards? Shit!
- Scary Spice looks weird now.
- What in the hell are white girls wearing now days?
To coincide with my previous post about being jobless, I wanted to continue on with bad news. We all need a lil depression sprinkled in our lives every now and then :) At least it's not related to myself. It's all about Ms. Knowles.
Pink Panther Delayed to 2006 Yeah, like we're all going to lose sleep over this.
Beyonce Ordered To Pay $1 Million This is chump change, Jigga probably spends the same amount of money a year on chapstick alone.
It's about to be a what?! [/lame song] B and Paris both want to grace the cover of Vanity Fair. I personally think that Paris' dead-eyed ass should be the covergirl for the simple fact that Pink Panther is going to be pushed back another year. Plus maybe the article will include some more pictures of her nipples slipping out of her tank top. Yanno the white boys would love it.
Poor Beyonce, this just isn't your week. First the media puts you on blast for your love for curry chicken and now all of this. It's all good, just spray on some True Star and keep it moving. Just don't forget that you are having the worst week ever.
Speaking on the lines of fragrances, would you like to smell like you're cumming today?
"I've got no bum at all. People tell me my jeans are like a Wonderbra for their
bum. But I have to take their word for it because I've got nothing back
"I have to stick it out and pretend. Trust me, I look awful naked,"
she claimed.
White Girls Say The Darnest Things! In the July issue of Elle magazine, Lindsay is quoted as saying, "Black guys love me- Damon (Dash), P. Diddy. 50 cent called my agent for my number. He said he was watching Mean Girls and loved it. I was freaking out! The first thing I thought was, Where's Eminem? I'm in love with him!"
Kimmy Kimmy Kimmy . . . you look a hot damn mess. Anybody else think she resembles Victoria Gotti? That is her homegirl you know . . .
[begin edit] I don't know why I'm just not beginning another post but oh well. Read and be merry, bitches.
Oh shizzle! We have Showtimes for a couple of days? Yes! Time for be to break out the pack of blank VCR tapes (everyone can't afford a DVR or whatever it's called). I've been catching some pretty decent programming on television as of lately. My new favorite show is Hell's Kitchen. The shit was bananas - B A N A N A S [/corny]. It's a tasty blend of American Idol, The Restaurant, and Survivor. Although Dewberry was booted last night from the show (I was rooting for his big ass), I know I'm going to be glued to the tube next week. I'm typing and looking over my shoulder at the 19" (do it big) right now viewing Trading Spouses. In my opinion Fox offers some very interesting choices in reality television. A & E is and will forever be my ultimate favorite when it comes to the reality shows, don't sleep on Family Plots. And I thought mi familia was loco..
Moving forward, Tyson Beckford's fine piece of man ass was almost grass. In a scene that I believe is so similar to the "Unbreak My Heart" video by Toni "why did I name my kids Denim and Diesel" Braxton. Remember that? No worries, Tyson's doing fine though. He was able to preserve his sexiniess and was released from the hospital Monday.
Time fly's when you're busy with school! Congrats to J.Lo and Marc Anthony. Who said it wouldn't last huh? Who still fucking cares is a better question. Congratulations are also in order for Stevie Wonder who welcomed a baby boy into the world last month (yeah I thought he was dead too). You don't have to see it to be in it, he be stroking! Yes, I know he doesn't sing that song but it was a good thought in my brain. Stevie should've chilled out with the name. Mandla Kadjaly Carl Stevland Morris? Someone's getting their ass kicked everyday until they're out of junior high.
Finally, today's C.W.A. (Cracka Wit Attitude) award goes to Russel Crowe. He'll hit that bitch with a phone (what you know about Miss Behavin?) . Folks have been testing his gangsta since Cinderlla Man was released. So he popped a bitch, almost like Fifty did Tyson in the "21 Questions" video. What sweet irony. . .
Use don't abuse (ie. adding me to your site's mailing list). And for the love of God please stop sending mp3 files of your music. I am not Clive Davis and to be frank I probably don't want to hear the shit anyway. You should also know that I take my slow, precious time responding to email. And sometimes I don't respond at all. Fresh.crunkjuice@gmail.com