Tyler Perry's House of Payne is a half-hour comedy series centered on the lives of three generations of an African-American family living under one roof. The series follows them as they try to tackle today's real issues, all in their own unique and hilarious ways.
Created, directed and produced by Tyler Perry, the series stars Allen Payne (Jason's Lyric), LaVan Davis (The Gospel Truth) and Cassi Davis (Daddy's Little Girl). Perry will make a guest appearance in the premiere episode as his now-legendary alter ego, Madea...
Tyler Perry's House of Payne premieres on TBS with back-to-back episodes Wednesday, June 6, at 9 p.m. (ET/PT). Episodes will be available through broadband via www.tbs.com, as well as through VOD following their premiere on TBS. (source)
Use don't abuse (ie. adding me to your site's mailing list). And for the love of God please stop sending mp3 files of your music. I am not Clive Davis and to be frank I probably don't want to hear the shit anyway. You should also know that I take my slow, precious time responding to email. And sometimes I don't respond at all. Fresh.crunkjuice@gmail.com